Wednesday 13 May 2009

Progress and Influences.

They say to be a writer you need to be a reader first, trying to write a novel before fully appreciating the structure and rhythm of prose is like trying to run before you can crawl. Even as an avid reader I am not finding writing easy, but it is damn rewarding when you write a passage which just flows - something that you can be really proud of.

Recently I started trying to read "Gravity's Rainbow" by Thomas Pynchon. I just could not get into it, reading it felt more of a chore than a pleasure. This book is supposed to be one of the greatest pieces of American literature since World War 2, so maybe I will come back to it at another time and give it a chance.

I then picked up "The Corrections" by Jonathan Franzen and, well, just wow! I am only about 100 pages in, but his characters really breathe. It is the sign of a great writer if you recognise something of yourself in the characters that you are reading about... Even if it isn't always your best qualities.

When it comes to my writing I believe that the influences of what I have read in the past are beginning to shine through, both "American Gods" by Neil Gaiman and "The Master and Margarita" by Mikhail Bulgakov deal with the impact of Gods and devils coming to Earth. Although my initial idea did not come from these books - it came from working in a crappy office - they have definitely helped shape my idea into a serviceable plot.

Chapter two is coming along quite well, but very slowly. I am finding that my characters are starting to live for themselves, looking at where I want to go with them and turning to me saying "Nope, I there is no way I would do that, I am going to do this instead". I have my beginning, middle and end, but herding my characters towards them may be a longer journey than I first expected... But one that I am thoroughly enjoying.

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