Tuesday 25 November 2008

And so it begins...

As far back as I can remember, I've always wanted to be a writer.

The ideas for plots and stories have flown thick and fast, my only problem is that I've never been able to put them down on paper. There always seems to be a good excuse not to write - I've been working all day and I'm tired, the house needs cleaning (yeah right), there's a new Simpsons on (more likely). But I am going to make the effort to try... call it a pre-New Years resolution if you will.

You must excuse me because I am fully aware that at this moment in time my spelling and grammar are not exactly perfect, like I said before I have ideas for PLOTS and STORIES. I am not and never will be a great writer, I can learn to be passable as a writer, and a good story teller... that I can do.

And so begins my (hopefully) weekly journal of the trials and tribulations of an aspiring writer.

Now that I have commited myself on the World Wide Web I intend to actually follow through on my (often drunken) boasts of my fabulous storytelling abilities and try to get at least one short story submitted to a publisher by the close of 2009.

Wish me luck.