Tuesday 30 December 2008

Research & Resolutions

Writing really is hard work, if anyone tells you any different can you please do me a favour...

Kick them...


Without putting pen to paper to write a first draft I have done a lot of planning, trying to get some sense of structure to the plot. It is not easy, but hopefully by the time the year is through it will be worthwhile.

A friend of mine has told me this week that "It doesn't matter if your book gets published. It only matters that you finish writing the book and get into the habit of writing regularly." Truer words have never been said. Also I recently found out that books such as Catch 22 and Watership Down were rejected over 20 times before they were published, so I will not be disheartened when the inevitable happens and my books do not get picked up. I will just keep trying.

Finally as 2008 comes to a close I have decided on my resolutions for 2009:

  • Exercise more.
  • Eat better.
  • Drink & Smoke less.
  • Read at least one book a month.
  • Write a damn book instead of just talking about it.

It will come as no surprise that these are pretty much exactly the same resolutions that I had last year. Here's hoping that I am more succesful at completing them this year.

Happy New Year everyone.

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