Tuesday 11 August 2009


Hey all,

Soooo yeah, back in the swing of things now got a fair bit jotted down, expanding on themes, characters, plot and sub plots and felling pretty damn good about it too.

Problem being for each minor tweak I make, for each slight modification to character, I have to go back and rewrite what I have done so that everything measures up.

My habit of constantly re-writing my work has reminded me of the story of the never-ending novel...

"There was once a novelist who wrote a very long book. It took him ten years of hard work. When he reached the end and read back what he had written, he realized that he was no longer the person of ten years ago. His wisdom had deepened, his skill had increased. And so he sat down to rewrite the book. Ten more years passed. When he reached the end of this second draft, he read back what he had written. Again, he realized that he was no longer the person who had begun the rewrite. His wisdom was deeper still, his skill more profound. And so he sat down to rewrite it a third time..."

In an effort to stop messing about with my book I have put the first chapter up for consideration on enovella.co.uk. If you are feeling particularly curious you may see this first draft at http://enovella.co.uk/read.php?work=1701

There have been a couple of nice comments posted about it so far… Both from the same person but it still counts.

Hope you enjoy.

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